Saturday, April 14, 2012

Preparation For Disclosure

As the days progress further into the informational age, there continues to be a steady flow of knowledge making its way into the mainstream arena. With the production of many new television shows, movies and various forms of literature now available, some provide ample scientific and philosophical material that once was, and still is considered taboo by basic societal standards. Average citizens along with those of reputable profession are now coming forward with all sorts of ideas, experiences and evidence that will further propel this delicate process into its maturity. At any rate, with public anticipation being as high as it is, are the people being prepared or guided into a state where disclosure of classified knowledge will be openly shared? If you consider the massive investments made towards secrecy in the past and present, its not very likely; but still possible.

Many ideas that were once labeled science fiction have now been made a factual reality. When you think about it, the subject of science goes in the opposite direction of what defines fiction. So wouldn't that make science-fiction strictly a theoretical concept? Its as if every fictional idea is waiting to be somehow brought to fruition using known and even unknown scientific methods. This could lead to a critical point in the dissolving of the confines within acceptable reason, making people more receptive to foreign concepts.  

However, one would be wise not to underestimate the power of communities where the individuals hold strong, positive intent. Although people tend to unite over dire circumstances, when it does happen, it can have very profound effects on entire societies. When a persons is truly fed up with their conditions, they will likely work towards a means to rectify their situation despite what challenges they may face. If this level of dedication was shown on a collective scale, there would be more deliberate changes happening on regular basis.

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