Saturday, April 14, 2012

Ghosts Of The Psyche

Have you ever been at home late one night watching television while flipping through dozens of channels to suddenly end up on a ghost hunting show? On these shows, you usually have a team of investigators that peruse a designated location for any paranormal activity. While team members investigate, they constantly notify each other of any personal experiences and attempt to correlate them to form a hypothesis of what is happening in a given area. When you consider the role that the human psyche has in the perception of such conditions, could these team members be misinterpreting certain types of activity?It appears the main objective is to determine if a place is haunted or not. If "haunted", how do you explain that to the concerned residents so that they understand? If "not haunted", how do you explain yourself, period?

As many are well aware, the human mind is a very powerful tool capable of extraordinary feats. It can divert any situation to seem like a totally different scenario according to how receptive the persons mind is.
For example, when a conscious person is placed in a darkend room for long periods of time, the brain may interject certain images to make sense of what it doesnt truly understand(most assoiciated with "abdution" cases). This could manifest as shadow play, light play, footsteps, etc. Much activity such as physical contact and olfactory odors are most difficult to explain. Judging by the type of activity percieved verses the activity recorded, the differences are vast in comparison.

The use of various devices play a huge part in validation of these findings, although rarely effective. Any evidence that is found is highly refutable and is so time consuming to aquire, that the findings are often blown out of proportion to maintain the attention of the viewers. Example, the use of creepy music and sudden flinches or gasps. Methods like that tend to harm the crediblity of any genuine discoveries.

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