Monday, April 16, 2012

Flight Anomaly

During a flight from Long Island, NY to LAX on the morning of March 30, 2011, I decided to take a few shots of the scenery from my window seat. Shortly after arriving at my destination, I reviewed the photos and noticed this strange anomaly in the upper right corner. At first I thought maybe it was just a mark on the window, but the window had no apparent marks when I was starring at it for nearly two hours and I hadn't seen anything even remotely like the object in the photo.

Since I used my smart phones camera for convenience, I always check my camera lens and viewfinder for any obscurities before I take a shot. I wasn't exactly sure how high the plane was flying, but I figured that it was much higher than what any Seagull, Swan, Dove, or Owl would usually fly, especially alone. Matching the scale of the object with the plane, that would indeed be a very large creature. On a more comical note, it sort of looked like Eva from the Disney film WALL-E, of course that's ridiculous, but still an entertaining thought.

I uploaded a copy of the photo to a computer and ran a few image filters on it to see if I could obtain more detail from the object. When I added the inverted(negative) filter, the darkened areas showed light was being reflected from the direction of the sun, so I concluded the object was actually outside the window. It seems I've done all I could with this photo. I'm posting the photo on my blog in hopes that someone else could examine it and provide any data or insight that relates to the identity of the object.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Preparation For Disclosure

As the days progress further into the informational age, there continues to be a steady flow of knowledge making its way into the mainstream arena. With the production of many new television shows, movies and various forms of literature now available, some provide ample scientific and philosophical material that once was, and still is considered taboo by basic societal standards. Average citizens along with those of reputable profession are now coming forward with all sorts of ideas, experiences and evidence that will further propel this delicate process into its maturity. At any rate, with public anticipation being as high as it is, are the people being prepared or guided into a state where disclosure of classified knowledge will be openly shared? If you consider the massive investments made towards secrecy in the past and present, its not very likely; but still possible.

Many ideas that were once labeled science fiction have now been made a factual reality. When you think about it, the subject of science goes in the opposite direction of what defines fiction. So wouldn't that make science-fiction strictly a theoretical concept? Its as if every fictional idea is waiting to be somehow brought to fruition using known and even unknown scientific methods. This could lead to a critical point in the dissolving of the confines within acceptable reason, making people more receptive to foreign concepts.  

However, one would be wise not to underestimate the power of communities where the individuals hold strong, positive intent. Although people tend to unite over dire circumstances, when it does happen, it can have very profound effects on entire societies. When a persons is truly fed up with their conditions, they will likely work towards a means to rectify their situation despite what challenges they may face. If this level of dedication was shown on a collective scale, there would be more deliberate changes happening on regular basis.

Earth University

Planet Earth. With a population over 7 billion and counting, it is considered to be the most predominate place for life in the entire Milky Way galaxy. The different environmental and climatic conditions prove to provide many challenges for its inhabitants. The Human race itself consists of many diverse cultures and ethnic groups. Under such circumstances, Earths establishment does strike a keen resemblance to a type of schooling system.

According to some Gurus, humanity is thought to be an adolescent civilization (apparent in many cases), you can relate our involvement with Earth to have more of an educational quality. If you look at the common behavioral traits that students in, lets say, High School or Universities have and amplify it 10 fold, it appears as if you just have a more sophisticated version of what these schooling systems represent.

Those who are driven to associate with others find themselves still much under the influence of peer pressure and other social profligacy. All students are bi-referenced as both Student and Teacher since there is equal opportunity to learn and to teach. The many career goals in society can be viewed as classes or periods that suit a certain curriculum. The government structures can be compared to faculty that establish a school-wide code system like what is made of 'laws' in modern society.

When you finally graduate, you can figure that to be where the student retires. Those who retire often remain on campus(so to speak) to share their past experiences and expertise as mentors to later generations, or just wait patiently for their next lesson. When you consider Earth to be a place for immense learning potential, it may prove to be a great source even for the alleged master.

A Purpose For Mosquitoes

It really might not matter how patient you are or how compassionate you may be, when you hear a mosquito buzz in your ear, it would be enough to drive anyone to the edge of sanity. Anyone who has encountered a mosquito has more likely been bitten before even noticing it. This supports the common complaint of people receiving mysterious bites in places they weren't even aware of. In that case, there does exist the potential of exotic biological interaction.

Most people would even question if mosquitoes have any real purpose on earth at all besides pestering the rest of the animal kingdom. Since it is possible for mosquitoes to have been around for millions of years, could they have been more of purposeful in the past when life on earth was in its most crucial and vulnerable point?

With the beginning stages of life being so fragile, direct interaction from a source outside of the natural habitat may have proven to be more dangerous than helpful. Maybe a younger form of insect was engineered to extract and distribute DNA in certain locations, using the ecosystems own natural attributes to produce more advanced life forms in much shorter time. Thus the mosquito being best suited for the job.

Once you have your catalyst, then all you may have to do is modify the mosquito to keep of with changes in a particular environment, hence maybe why there are over 3,000 species of mosquito alone. Of course, after a while, life forms in that habitat would probably be mature enough where you could have direct interaction. Were that the case, that might explain why there is supposed junk DNA in human beings. 

Ghosts Of The Psyche

Have you ever been at home late one night watching television while flipping through dozens of channels to suddenly end up on a ghost hunting show? On these shows, you usually have a team of investigators that peruse a designated location for any paranormal activity. While team members investigate, they constantly notify each other of any personal experiences and attempt to correlate them to form a hypothesis of what is happening in a given area. When you consider the role that the human psyche has in the perception of such conditions, could these team members be misinterpreting certain types of activity?It appears the main objective is to determine if a place is haunted or not. If "haunted", how do you explain that to the concerned residents so that they understand? If "not haunted", how do you explain yourself, period?

As many are well aware, the human mind is a very powerful tool capable of extraordinary feats. It can divert any situation to seem like a totally different scenario according to how receptive the persons mind is.
For example, when a conscious person is placed in a darkend room for long periods of time, the brain may interject certain images to make sense of what it doesnt truly understand(most assoiciated with "abdution" cases). This could manifest as shadow play, light play, footsteps, etc. Much activity such as physical contact and olfactory odors are most difficult to explain. Judging by the type of activity percieved verses the activity recorded, the differences are vast in comparison.

The use of various devices play a huge part in validation of these findings, although rarely effective. Any evidence that is found is highly refutable and is so time consuming to aquire, that the findings are often blown out of proportion to maintain the attention of the viewers. Example, the use of creepy music and sudden flinches or gasps. Methods like that tend to harm the crediblity of any genuine discoveries.